How people modify their pics in orkut album?

Ever wonder how people do image effects like this on Orkut photo album?. Well I find One very easy special effects for pictures online

Want to test yours photos and pictures using different effects like inserting yours picture in Televison Banners, Newspaper ,Tshirts etc or want to alter your picture so it looks older, or stretch your face out to make you look like an alien, you will be able to do that and more on this site. photofunia uses feature detection technology, which allows the effects to look realistic. we have also mention in ours previous post how to create fake magazine page this website is just like that but the difference is that they are using differnt banner.

As easy as 1.2.3

Step 1. Select an effect from a list of templates.
Step 2. Upload your photo and select any area of your image to be cropped.
Step 3. The photo is ready!
effect to photos in orkut album
effect to photos in orkut album

Funny Photos in orkut Photo album

These sites works surprisingly fast for an image processing website.

WriteOnIt : This is absolutely a fun site to check out. It allows you to include your image on posters, magazine covers (with your own head - like the one above) and other photomontages. Also, there is no need for a registration.

Hairmixer : This site allows you to swap faces and hair. It has an option for you to upload your own photos or use the ones available online too.

Kyolo : This is a pretty basic site. In it, it only allows you to add text balloons to images. This can be useful at times when you want to make fun of your pals. Also you need to register.

PhotoFunia : The best site I must say!! Kinda different website which allows you to place the image you upload into an integrated picture. The final work can be easily downloaded or created as an avatar without registering.

FunPhotoBox : Very similar to the above website, but with other effects, and new listings every week. It also has a great feature to allow you to select the area of the photo you want to show. Also, no registration is required.

Ransom Note Generator : This website creates a text composed of letters cut from a magazine. You can place any image as a wallpaper and see the fun around your desk. No registration is required.

BigHugeLabs : This website offers many options. You can easily add text balloons, motivational posters, "warholizar" your photo, given to, and so on. It has a wide range of possibilities, but requires registration.

FaceInHole : classic put your face on the body of another kinda site. Many options and also up to date.

AutoMotivator : You know those posters that are in some offices with motivational phrases supposedly? Here you can do the same. Of course, it's more fun to parody them. Lets you save the image on your computer or directly to Flickr or ImageShack (which is very cool). This site is part of a larger one called Wigflip, which give you other options to create graphics for your website with your own text, like post-it or labels. No registration required.
