Web Coding Tools and Resources


AJAX Activity Indicators - A large collection of animated GIFs for you to use as your AJAX application’s progress indicator.

AJAX For N00bs - Just as the site name implies, a site to help people just beginning to learn AJAX.

AJAX Mistakes - An editable list of common mistakes developers make when implementing AJAX, and suggestions on how to avoid them yourself.

AJAXFreaks.com - A collection of scripts, tutorials, forums and more.

AJAXload.info - If you can’t find the perfect AJAX load icon for your project, this site will help you generate one to meet your needs.

Backbase.com - An enterprise-level AJAX development platform with numerous pre-built widgets.

Clean AJAX - A Sourceforge project for a Javascript, Server Side, AJAX framework.

dhtmlsite.com - Tons of tutorials for AJAX developers of all skill levels.

Google AJAX API - The Google API will help you implement Google services on your web page while utilizing AJAX page loading.

Google Web Toolkit - A Google-produced tool to help you become less accident-prone when writing AJAX apps.

jQuery.com - A JavaScript library built to work with AJAX; super slick on their front page.

LoadInfo.net - Customizable AJAX loading animated GIFs that are free to use.

MiniAJAX.com - A large collection of downloadable AJAX scripts, most of which are configurable.

Prototypejs.org - A JavaScript framework that includes an AJAX library and aims to make app building easier.

Qooxdoo.org - An open source AJAX development framework with JavaScript development and a rich GUI.

Rialto - A cross-platform, corporate web applications driven framework.

SAJAX - A framework for calling PHP, Perl or Python from your pages without refreshing the browser.

script.acul.us - Works with Prototype, works heavily on AJAX in interfaces.

Sergiopereira.com AJAX Articles - A large collection of tutorials and code snippets to help you learn AJAX.

ThinWire.com - A Java tool to help you build AJAX apps with a GUI Desktop feel to them.

Yahoo User Interface Library - Yahoo’s attempt at helping you build AJAX driven apps.


An Architect’s View - A blog dedicated to nothing but ColdFusion, offering tips, tricks, and solutions.

CFDeveloper.co.uk - A community for ColdFusion professionals and developers; it has forums and application hosting.

CFDocs.org - A quick way to search for tags and functions, with regards to various versions of ColdFusion.

CFEclipse.org - A ColdFusion plugin to be used with the Eclipse platform.

CFFaq.com - A site to answer all your questions about ColdFusion, run by Ben Forta, considered to be one of the biggest supporters of the program.

CFHunt.com - A site with numerous ColdFusion sites indexed to ease your finding the answers you need.

CFLIB.org - An open source project to create a collection of user-defined function libraries; anyone may use and modify the libraries as they see fit.

cfOOP.org - A site all about adding object oriented programming to your ColdFusion projects.

CFQuickDocs.org - Gives you a quick way to look up ColdFusion tags and functions.

CFTagStore.com - A clearing house for you to buy and sell custom ColdFusion tags to solve all sorts of problems, or just cut the time of your own development.

CFUnit - A unit testing framework for ColdFusion that is open source and part of SourceForge.

CFWheels.com - A framework for ColdFusion based on Ruby On Rails.

ColdFusionCookbook.com - A site to help you solve your problems with ColdFusion.

ColdFusionPortal.org - A collection of numerous resources for ColdFusion including links to sites, blogs, conferences and more.

ColdFusionWeekly.com - A weekly podcast of everything related to ColdFusion.

Fusebox.org - A framework for ColdFusion and PHP.

GotCFM.com - A site built to promote your ColdFusion built site and further the recognition of the program over all.

HouseOfFusion.com - A large ColdFusion community with articles, mailing lists, resources an more.

Mach-II.com - An object-oriented, open source framework for ColdFusion.

Model-Glue.com - Makes it easier to use object oriented programming and automates repetitive tasks.

Quackit Tutorials - Tutorials for beginners and advanced ColdFusion developers.

Remote Synthesis - A collection of 265 free or open source projects for ColdFusion.

RIAForge.org - An open source project similar to SourceForge, and servicing all of Adobe’s projects, including ColdFusion.


456 Berea Street - Numerous guides and tutorials on advanced CSS tricks.

CleanCSS.com - Tool to help you clean up your CSS and optimize it.

CodeBeautifier.com - A CSS code formatter and optimizer, but stresses it is not a validator.

CSS Tweak - Just as the name implies, upload your CSS and you can tweak it on the go.

CSS-Ref.com - A tool for practicing your CSS skills or writing an actual layout.

CSSCreator.com - Will create a page with up to three columns and header & footer.

CSSDrive Compressor - A utility to compress your CSS saving you drive space, bandwidth and loading times.

CSSFly.net - An in-browser CSS editor that can also do HTML.

CSSOptimiser.com - A tool for compressing your CSS code and allowing the file to load faster.

CSS Pagemaker - A simple CSS pagemaker wizard with easy fill-in-the-blank questions.

CSS Redundancy Checker - Enter URLs to let the site check for redundant calls and repetitive code.

CSS Rollover Generator - Create rollover images using nothing but CSS.

CSS Superdouche - Enter the URL of your CSS file, the site checks it, cleans it up, and gives you new CSS you can paste back in to your site.

CSSTidy - A Sourceforge project of a CSS optimizer and parser.

Em Calculator - A Javascript based tool for making scalable CSS design based on Em units to work easier with text size.

Layout-o-matic - A tool for helping you generate simple page layouts with several column variations.

List-u-Like CSS Generator - Lets you create cross-browser, list based navigation bars with ease by defining all the parameters and the site generates it for you.

RoundedCornr.com - Generate HTML and CSS images and code with rounded corners and gradients.

Sky CSS Tool - All you need is a JavaScript enabled browser and you can create your new CSS page in-browser.

Spiffy Corners - An easy to use site that generates a colored box in CSS code with rounded corners with the specs you request.

TheBoxOffice.be - A CSS and XHTML generator to help you wrap text around an image.

YAML Builder - An in-browser HTML/CSS coder with a real-time preview of how the page will look.


Action Script Library - A collection of code snippets for use with ActionScript.

ActionScript.org Library - A collection of over 700 scripts for you to use, a large selection of tutorials and more.

Actionscript Physics Engine - A free 2D physics engine for Actionscript 3 from MIT.

ActionStep.org - An ActionScript 2.0 open source component framework for writing to the Flash player.

Aflax.org - An attempt to bring Ajax and Flash together.

Animation Package - An ActionScript library (Flash player 6 and above) with a focus on keeping file sizes down.

AS2lib.org - The AS2 library open source framework to work with Actionscript 2.

AS2Unit.org - An Actionscript 2 testing framework that lets you run repeatable tests on your classes.

AsFusion.com - A blog written by two developers about merging ColdFusion and Flash and how they can work together.

DontClickIt.com - An experimenting in using Flash to make a clickless interface.

FFiles.com - A large collection of examples of Flash movies that you can view, rate and comment on. You can also submit your own for review.

Flalog.com - Tips, tricks, and tutorials for Flash and ActionScript.

FlashGuru.co.uk - A collection of articles, tutorials and extensions for Flash.

FlashKit.com - Code snippets, reviews, links, over 1,000 tutorials.

Flashtica.com - A designer-oriented site with open source scripts and links to lots of resources.

FlashVillage.com - Free Flash and Logo templates, forums, and more, registration required.

GoToAndLearn.com - A site with very in-depth video tutorials on various aspects of Flash.

Jim’s Flash Bestiary - A collection of small Flash movies with accompanying source code to learn from.

Kirupa.com Tutorials - An extensive collection of tutorials on just about every conceivable aspect of Flash.

OneFlex.org Codes - A site for people to post and share code snippets for ActionScript and MXML.

OSFlash.org - A home for open source Flash projects that any registered member can contribute to.

Smart Webby Flash Tutorials - A collection of tutorials for Flash for beginner to advanced developers.

The Fuse Kit - A compact animation kit for Flash, more for everyday use than making full animations.

Tile Based Games Tutorials - Tutorials to learn how to create tile based games using Flash.

TutorialOutpost Flash Lessons - A huge collection of tutorials on many aspects of the Flash program.


Character Guides

Character Reference - Lists 252 usable characters in HTML and shows you their coding via mouse rollover.

HTMLPlayground.com - Click on a tag, get an explanation of what it does, how to write the code and how it would appear on a page.

Special Characters - A chart for just about every character in HTML and the codes to use them, along with a description of each.

W3Schools.com - Offers lots of tutorials, but this page specifically gives you a basic description of the majority of the tags.

Webmonkey.com - A great site for general HTML tips, but this page specifically teaches you the special characters such as ♥.


Alleycode.com - An HTML editor with a built-in tutorial for beginners, and some features for advanced users.

Amaya - An open source project building a web editor that currently runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.

Aptana - An open source editor that will edit HTML, CSS, create AJAX apps, do Ruby On Rails, and more.

Bluefish - An open source HTML editor that runs on systems such as Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X and more.

Coffee Cup HTML Editor - A drag and drop HTML editor with built-in FTP support.

HTMLKit.com - A free editor for HTML, XHTML, XML, CSS; it includes Tidy HTML to make sure your code stays clean.

PageBreeze.com - A free HTML editor with both code and WYSIWYG modes, drag-and-drop, and more.

Pingdom Tools - Enter your site address and get a visual representation of how long each item took to load.

Test Everything - Provides numerous tools to check every aspect of your site, including code validators.

TextFixer.com - Includes tools to capitalize sentences, convert text to HTML, convert line breaks and more.

TheJackolsDen.com - Offers lots of tips on various aspects of site building, but this cheatsheet specifically talks about your htaccess file which can control who, or what, accesses your files.


Bare Bones Guide to HTML - A basic guide to everything you need to know about HTML.

EchoEcho.com - Numerous HTML tutorials including how to do background images, form fields, add passwords and more.

HTML.net - 15 lessons in HTML for free, also comes in multiple languages.

HTMLBasix.com - Features HTML tools for beginners to advanced web masters.

HTMLCodeTutorial.com - Tutorials for all aspects of HTML coding, and active forums for troubleshooting help.

HTMLDog.com - Has beginner, intermediate, and advanced tutorials for HTML and CSS.

HTMLGoodies.com - Tutorials on just about every aspect of HTML you can think of, with lots of visual examples.

HTMLTutorials.ca - 21 free lessons to get you started with learning HTML.

PageTutor.com - Has lessons for all sorts of HTML tricks such as making tables and frames.

YourHTMLSource.com - Contains all sorts of HTML tutorials, lessons on web-safe colors and more.


AlwaysValid.com - Will automatically check your HTML once a week on your site and mail you the results telling you what doesn’t work.

AnyBrowser.com - Offers a lot of tools for testing your site in different browsers, including an HTML validator.

Tidy HTML - Validates and cleans up your code.

W3C Markup Validator - Enter your webpage’s address, upload a file, or use direct input to validate your HTML.


Eclipse.org - An open source development platform for Java based applications, as well as other languages.

Emma - A Sourceforge project that provides you with a free code coverage tool.

Groovy - Created to run on the Java Virtual Machine but adds in features inspired by Python, Ruby on Rails and Smalltalk.

Hibernate.org - An open source persistent classes development tool; due to licensing, it can be included in to other open source projects.

Idevelopment Java Examples - A large collection of examples of Java programming along with documentation.

JAD - A non-commercial use Java decompiler.

Java.net - A site for Java programmers and enthusiasts to gather, chat, and collaborate on projects together.

Java PathFinder - A verifier for executable Java bytecode hosted by Sourceforge.

Java-Source.net - A directory to just about every open source Java project you could dream of.

Java-Tips.org - A huge collection of hundreds of tips related to Java programming.

Java2s.com - Tons of examples of Java code.

JavaBlackBelt.com - Take online courses, followed up by tests that let you climb the colored belt tree (like you do in martial arts) until you become a Java Master.

Javalobby.org - Articles, forums, and more to learn all sorts of tricks for working with Java.

JavaPractices.com - Tons of examples of different functions with snippets of source code provided.

JavaRanch.com - A user community for Java programmers with a ranch-flavor. Forums, tools, code snippets and more.

JDocs.com - A huge resource of libraries, packages, and classes.

JExamples.com - A large collection of examples of Java from various open source projects that you can study.

JGoodies.com - Tools focusing on the look of Java in an attempt to make it look more elegant.

JODE - Free Sourceforge project that contains a decompiler and optimizer for Java code.

JUnit.org - An open source testing platform for Java that works towards understanding your intentions.

PHP/Java Bridge - A Sourceforge project that aids in bridging the gap between PHP and Java to make them work together.

PMD - A Sourceforge project that scans Java apps and looks for bad code.

SpringFramework.org - A Java/JEE application framework with a large support system and training sessions all over the world.

The Grinder - Another Sourceforge project that is a Java load testing framework.

TheServerSide.com - A Java developer community with a focus on enterprise-class projects.


ActiveWidgets.com - A component library that gives you AJAX-style fuctions with common visual elements.

Agile Partners Photo Resizing Tutorial - A tutorial on how to use the Prototype and script.aculo.us libraries to build an interactive photo resizer.

ByteFX - A low-level framework for simple JavaScript effects.

DevGuru - Defines all the terms of JavaScript and gives you code samples of what they do.

DojoToolkit.org - An open source DHTML toolkit built in JavaScript and based on several other tools.

Drag & Drop Sortable Lists - Tutorial for creating sortable lists with drag & drop functions.

DynamicDrive.com - A large collection of DHTML and JavaScripts for your use.

Firebug - An extension for the Firefox browser that allows you to do web development from directly inside the browser, including JavaScript.

JavaScript-reference.info - A reference site that teaches you both how to read and write JavaScript.

JavaScriptKit.com - A list of JavaScript objects, properties, and methods that include examples.

jQuery.com - A JavaScript library with a small footprint and concise coding for as few lines as possible.

Learn JavaScript in 10 Minutes - As the name implies, learn the basics of JavaScript in 10 minutes from this very straightforward tutorial.

Lightbox2 - A JavaScript for overlaying photos on the current page with a semi-transparent background.

LightWindow - Another overlay window system that allows you to do it with multiple media file types and even other websites.

MochiKit.com - A set of JavaScript libraries that takes ideas from Python and Objective-C, and uses them in JavaScript.

Moo.fx - JavaScript effects library that works with the Prototype.js and Mootools frameworks.

Mootools.net - An object-oriented JavaScript framework for intermediate to advance users.

Prototype Windows Class - Allows you to add an overlay window to your HTML.

Prototypejs.org - A JavaScript framework that is built with Web 2.0 in mind, includes Ajax integration.

QuirksMode.org - The personal site of a professional web developer who offers over a 120 tricks for defeating browser incompatibility issues of CS and JavaScript.

Reflection.js - A small JavaScript to add reflections to your image.

script.aculo.us - A JavaScript library that integrates easily with numerous frameworks.

ThickBox - Works with jQuery to provide an AJAX hybrid for image overlays.

TinyMCE JavaScript Content Editor - A content editor written completely in JavaScript and converts HTML text areas in to editor instances.

W3Schools JavaScript Tutorials - 100 Examples to learn JavaScript by.

WebTeacher.com - Takes the point of view of teaching JavaScript to a programming novice.

Walter Zorn Drag & Drop - A cross-browser JavaScript DHTML library that allows you to turn any image in to a layer that can be dragged and dropped where the user chooses.


4GuysFomRolla.com - A rich site of articles and tutorials on using .NET.

ASP.net - Home of the .NET framework with news and starter lessons.

ASPTheme.net - Web themes for your ASP .NET projects.

Channel9 - Wikis, forums, podcasts and more related to all the Microsoft tools, especially .NET.

CodePlex.com - An open source clearing house for .NET projects, downloads, discussion forums and more.

CodeProject.com - A resource for articles and tutorials on Visual Basic and .NET.

Coding4Fun.com - A Microsoft site for detailing how to use .NET with other other tools to code for Windows, the web, gaming, and hardware.

DotNetJunkies.com - Features Quickstart guides and forums.

DotNetNuke.com - An open source web framework for enterprise class web development.

DotNetRocks.com - It’s not every programming language that gets a talk radio show dedicated to it.

GotDotNet.com - A user community for .NET developers that also features code sharing.

LearnVisualStudio.net - A large selection of video tutorials to get you going with .NET.

Lutz Roeder’s Programming .NET - Offers several tools for .NET such as Reflector and Resourcer.

MbUnit.com - A unit test framework for .NET, includes advanced features to test all aspects of your project.

Mono-Project.com - An open development project that lets you run .NET on Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X, Windows, and Unix.

MSDN Library - A resource for users of .NET and includes sample code, documentation, technical articles, and reference guides.

NAnt - A free .NET build tool.

NDepend.com - A tool built with the idea of controlling complex .NET coding, includes online demos.

NDoc - Generates class library documentation for your projects built in .NET.

NUnit.org - A unit-testing framework for all iterations of the .NET language.

ReSharper - An add-in to Visual Studio that adds in unit testing, refactoring, and more.

Snippet Compiler - A program that allows you to run small pieces of .NET code without having to build an entire Visual Studio project for it.

TestDriven.net - Adds unit testing to Visual Studio and makes it as easy as a one click.

The Regulator - A free tester for regular expressions.

TheServerSide.net - Specializing inserver side development of enterprise level projects using .NET.

W3Schhols - Features a collection of tutorials and code snippets for your use.


Beginning Perl Tutorials - 20 tutorials for those just beginning their CGI scripting with Perl.

CatalystFramework.org - An MVC framework that runs on FreeBSD, Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris or Windows. Allows for Perl development.

CPAN.org - An archive of modules, scripts, resources, and more.

Creating Perl Modules - A guide to creating modules of reusable Perl code to speed up future scripting.

e-p-i-c.sourceforge.net - An open source Perl IDE project running on Sourceforge.

Extreme Perl - An online book about extreme programming with Perl.

Learn.Perl.org - A good site for beginners with online tutorials and links to other resources.

Learn Perl in 21 Days - A guide to teaching yourself Perl in just 21 days.

Learning Perl the Hard Way - A free book for learning Perl that assumes you already know programming, just not Perl.

MasonHQ.com - An open source web development engine that works on integrating Perl and HTML.

Perl 6 - A guide to what is going on with the development of Perl 6, and what you can expect from it.

PerlDesignPatterns.com - A Wiki for all things related to Perl.

Perl Object Oriented Programming - A guide to object oriented programming in Perl.

Perl One Liners - A summary of how to convert Perl one liners into full scripts.

Perl Regular Expressions - A good basic guide to the most rudimentary expressions in Perl, accompanied by code snippet examples.

Perl Vector Search - A guide to building a search engine using Perl that does not require database access.

Perl2PHP - A guide showing you the equivalent of a Perl command in PHP so you can move back-and-forth between the languages.

PerlMonk.org - A question and answer site for you to ask experts in Perl to help you with your problems.

Poe.Perl.org - Perl Object Environment (Poe), is a framework for creating event-driven, multitasking programs in Perl.

ScriptArchive.com - A repository of Perl scripts for everyone to use around the web.

When Perl Isn’t Fast Enough - A guide on how to speed up your Perl scripts that may be running too slow.


c.anvas.es - A PHP framework for PHP5 with a focus on ease of use.

CakePHP.org - A PHP framework meant to work like Ruby on Rails smf take some of the heavy lifting off the developer.

CodeIgniter.com - An open source PHP framework with an eye towards sites hosted on shared servers.

Coders4Fun.com - A blog about coding, includes lots of PHP code snippets to help you learn new tricks.

DagonDesign PHP Form Mailer Script - A PHP script to aid in making forms of any length.

DIY Framework - A no-frills, bare-bones PHP framework - just as the name implies.

GoodPHPTutorials.com - A large collection of tutorials for every level of PHP developer.

Horde.org - Horde is a framework specializing in PHP applications, and is also very friendly to languages other than English.

KillerPHP.com - Nearly two dozen video tutorials taking you from the most basic aspects of PHP up through advanced techniques.

PHPBuddy.com - A site full of resources for the beginning PHP designer, features numerous scripts to help you over some of those beginning hurdles.

PHPClasses.org - A home for lots of PHP scripts to save you time from doing some of the more mundane work.

PHPFreaks.com - An extensive help site for PHP users of all skill levels, has over 400 code snippets to help you along with different project aspects.

PHPOpenBiz - A PHP framework with an eye towards business applications more than anything else.

PHPVideoTutorials.com - 13 video lessons on PHP ranging from 6 minutes to 22 minutes in length.

Qcodo.com - An open source framework that works with PHP 5 with a heavy focus on making PHP code forms easier to read.

SeagullProject.org - A PHP framework with a built-in templating engine.

Symfony-Project.com - An open source PHP framework with Ajax implementation, admin generator and more.

The PHP Resource Index - Numerous resources, but the star is their archive of over 3600 PHP scripts for just about every function you can dream of.

XajaxProject.org - A Sourceforge project for adding Ajax to any PHP page.

Zend Framework - The Zend framework is another open source PHP project with over 300 contributers.

ZoopFramework.com - A PHP framework capable of producing Web 2.0 forms and handling Ajax.


(An Unofficial) Python Tutorial Wiki - As the name says, an unofficial Wiki attempting to keep the Python tutorial organized.

Byte of Python - An online book for learning Python, presented in a Wiki.

CherryPy.org - An object-oriented framework for Python to deploy web applications.

DjangoProject.com - A web framework with a heavy eye towards automation.

Instant Python - A crash course to get you started in Python programming.

IPython - An enhanced shell for Python that allows for better interactivity.

Learn Python in 10 Minutes - As the name says, apparently you can learn to program in Python in 10 minutes.

LearningPython.com - A site detailing how to create a GUI in Python and more.

MacPython - A collection of resources for those using Mac OS X and developing Python.

MatPlotLib - A tool for the Python and IPython shells to generate 2D, printable charts, graphs, maps and more.

Movable Python - A portable version of Python that can be stored on a memory stick so you can work from virtually anywhere without having to install the language.

Myghty.org - A Python template framework system similar to what is used by Amazon and Salon.

py2exe.org - A tool for converting Python scripts in to Windows EXE files.

PyChecker - A source code checker for Python that looks for bugs.

PyDev - An extension for Python and Jython that lets you work with Eclipse.

Pygame.org - A collection of free modules to turn Python into a language capable of programming games.

Pylonshq.com - A web framework utilizing Python, Perl, and Ruby to deploy your work.

Python Cookbook - Part of the ActiveState Programmer Network, features numerous contributed Python code snippets.

Python Imaging Library - The P.I.L. adds image processing to to your Python interpreter.

Python Package Index - An archive of over 2800 programming packages for Python.

Python Sidebar for Mozilla - A sidebar you can add to Mozilla browsers (eg. Firefox) which gives you quick access to Python documentation.

PythonChallange.com - A 33-level challenge to test your Python coding skills.

PythonPaste.org - A Python tool to bring web admins and developers a little closer together in what they work with.

Pyx - Python package for creating PostScript and PDF files.

TurboGears.org - A Python-based database web app framework with Ajax integration.

Webpy.org - A public domain framework for Python coded web applications.

WebwareForPython.org - A suite for Python that allows you to use object-oriented development for your web applications.

Yahoo Developer Network Python Tools - Articles and tools for getting Python to work with Yahoo.


ActiveScaffold.com - Ruby, Java, AJAX, all in one handy scaffold for better integration in your projects.

DZone Snippets - A repository of thousands of code snippets for different programs, tons for RoR.

Four Days On Rails - An attempt to teach you the basics of Rails in four days and get to where you can build basic apps in that time.

Gardens Point Ruby.NET Compiler - A Ruby on Rails compiler for the .NET system.

HoboCentral.net - An extension package for Rails that allows for templates, working with AJAX, and rapid deployment.

Instant Rails - Ruby, Rails, Apache and MySQL built in to one handy runtime for testing.

Learn To Program - An online tutorial for people who aren’t that familiar with programming, let alone Ruby.

Locomotive - A Mac OS X application for RoR development.

Nuby On Rails - A guide to writing plugins for RoR.

Programming Ruby - An online book about learning the popular language.

Radrails.org - Home of Radrails, a downloadable, interactive development environment for RoR.

Ruby Cheatsheet - A detailed, printable, cheatsheet of the most common RoR commands.

Ruby Development Tools - A Sourceforge project, Ruby Development Tools is running on Eclipse.

Ruby Facets - A huge collection of core extension methods and standard library additions for Ruby.

Ruby In Steel - Ruby development that works with Visual Studio 2005. Does cost, but offers a free 30-day trial.

Ruby QuickRef - A reference site for everything related to Ruby on Rails.

RubyCentral.com - The central site for the Rubyconf and Railsconf.

RubyLearning.com - A tutorial site for learning Ruby that assumes you are at least familiar with programming in general.

RubyQuiz.com - Test your knowledge of Ruby with the Ruby Quiz site; you may even learn something.

RubyScript2EXE - A Ruby compiler which can strip down the Ruby library and embeds the interpreter in a EXE executable.

Try Ruby! - A hands-on, interactive tutorial of Ruby.

UJS Rails Plugin - An Unobtrusive JavaScript (UJS) plugin for Rails to make it flow smoother.

Yahoo Ruby On Rails Tools - Tools for using RoR with Yahoo and access to more APIs and applications.


25 Commandments for MySQL Development - A list of 25 things all MySQL designers should keep in mind as they work.

Comparison of different SQL implementations - A simple page comparing all the different ways you can use the SQL language.

Instant SQL Formatter - Open several different forms of databases and output them in to a language of your choice including SQL.

Introduction to SQL - An introductory lesson to SQL, covering pretty much all the basics.

Learning SQL Using phpMyAdmin - A tutorial for learning the popular phpMyAdmin interface for MySQL database management.

MySQL Basics - A basic tutorial for those just starting out with learning MySQL.

MySQL Cheat Sheet - A quick reference for some of the most common commands in MySQL.

Oracle SQL Developer - A free graphical tool for developing an SQL database.

PostgreSQL.org - An open source database system developed on SQL.

SQL Designer - A site directed at teaching very basic beginners in SQL database work.

SQL Injection Attacks - A documentation of how “Injection Attacks” work on an SQL database.

SQL on Rails [PARODY] - A web framework for combining Ruby on Rails with SQL for quick deployment.

SQL.org - A large resource for all things related to SQL.

SQL-Tutorial.net - A very organized tutorial for SQL that lets you focus on one section at a time.

SQLAlchemy.org - A tool for harnessing the power of Python and SQL together.

SQLCourse.com - An interactive beginner’s course to SQL that includes an on-line SQL interpreter.

SQLinForm.com - Corrects spelling an syntax errors in your SQL code.

SQLzoo.net - An interactive tutorial that teaches you the ins-and-outs of MySQL.

SSWUG.org - A site to get help with any troubles you may be having with SQL databases.

Stump The SQL Guru - From the 4GuysFromRolla.com, ask tough questions of an SQL expert.

W3 Schools SQL Tutorials - An extensive tutorial on SQL that includes quizzes and recommended reading list.


Altova.com - A commercial company offering a full suite of XML editing tools.

CafeConLeche.org - Numerous resources, current news, recommended reading list and more.

Don’t Invent XML Languages - Though XML is easily customizable, this site tells you why it’s better to stay with one of the main five versions.

eXist - An open source XML database.

Flash & XML FAQ - A FAQ about the interactions between Flash and XML.

JiBX - A framework for binding Java objects with XML.

Open XML Editor - A free XML editor with form testing and validating.

STG XML Validation Form - A free validator for your XML documents.

Tizag XML Tutorials - Tutorials for just about every aspect of XML.

TopXML - Has tutorials and quizzes for the beginner in XML.

Vex - A visual editor for XML that provides you with a word processor-style interface.

W3C Standards - This website specifies the official syntax for XML.

XML and Databases - A guide to using XML as a data storage system.

XML Checker and Validator - Checks your XML document both for form and validation.

XML Cooktop - A free XML editor for Windows.

XML Copy Editor - A free XML copy editor with built-in validation.

XML Developer Center - Contains downloads, tutorials, a community and more.

XMLFiles.com - Features tutorials, samples, links and more.

XMLmind XML Editor - Offers both free and paid versions with the paid version offering more features.

XML Schema Tutorials -Tutorials for all skill levels from W3Schools.

XML.com - Full of articles and introductions to all aspects of XML.


tanner said…
Another good SQL resource is 1Keydata SQL Tutorial.